It is inevitable. At some point in the life of every child, they think the word "poop" is the funniest thing in the world, and will use it at every given opportunity.
Sunday night, trying to get Julian to poo on the potty:
Me: "Come on Julian, you can do it."
Julian: "Mommy, you are a Poo-Poo head."
Tonight on the way home from daycare:
Me: "Julian, what did you have for lunch today?"
Julian: "Soup."
Me: "What kind of soup?"
Julian: "Poop soup and chicken and hamburger poop."
Of course both occasions were followed by hearty laughter (on Julian's part) over just how hilarious he is.
Then there is little Noo-Noo... sure, she takes my breath away now, just wait until she starts calling me a Poo-Poo head.