Tuesday, May 27, 2008


It is inevitable.  At some point in the life of every child, they think the word "poop" is the funniest thing in the world, and will use it at every given opportunity.

Sunday night, trying to get Julian to poo on the potty:
Me:  "Come on Julian, you can do it."
Julian:  "Mommy, you are a Poo-Poo head."

Tonight on the way home from daycare:
Me:  "Julian, what did you have for lunch today?"
Julian:  "Soup."
Me:  "What kind of soup?"
Julian:  "Poop soup and chicken and hamburger poop."

Of course both occasions were followed by hearty laughter (on Julian's part) over just how hilarious he is.

Then there is little Noo-Noo... sure, she takes my breath away now, just wait until she starts calling me a Poo-Poo head.


Wednesday, May 21, 2008

It's Freeday!

Tuesday morning's conversation with Julian:

Julian:  "Today is Freeday."
Me:  "Really, what do you do on Freeday?"
Julian:  "You play video games when it's Freeday, 'cause that's a new month..."


Monday, May 19, 2008

Move over Starbucks...

Andy was right.  Last summer, we stopped by our friend's house for a quick morning visit.  He offered me what he promised to be "the best cup of coffee ever".  I liked it, a lot.  I accomplished more after that one cup of coffee than I had in a long time... Every grocery trip I looked for the black bag of savoury beans, that goes by the name of Kicking Horse, but my search was always unsuccessful.  Until yesterday.  It turns out they are now selling it at a store around the block from our house.  AMAZING STUFF... clean, strong, yummy... Let's just say it's been a very productive day!


Monday, May 12, 2008

My works of art.

Julian has discovered my tattoos.  I have three:
A fish on my foot.  
A fish with wings on my belly.  
A globe with a flower in it on my belly.  

As I work in a fairly conservative office, I must ensure my tattoos are covered up at all times, which is normally fine, until the arrival of spring.  I LOVE to wear skirts with bare legs, and lovely little shoes... Unfortunately, in order to comply with office policy, I am required to add a bandage to my wardrobe to cover my foot tattoo... completely destroying the "look" - and prompting the question of "What happened to your foot?" all day long. 

I was 18 years old when I had this first tattoo done, and I recall my mom saying:  "One day you will regret getting a tattoo on top of your foot.  What if you work in an office, and have to cover it up?"  My sassy 18-year-old reply:  "Mom, I will NEVER work in an OFFICE!  I'm going to be a famous actor, or an artist!."  Ooops.

Last week I was getting ready for work (skirt - check, shoes - check, bandage - check) when Julian pointed at my foot and began to cry:  
Me:  "What is the matter?"
Julian:  "Your painting is gone!"
Me:  "My painting?"
Julian:  "Why is your fishy painting gone?"
Then the next day he asked to see the fish with wings on my belly:
Julian:  "Why did people paint a fish on your tummy?"

The beauty of being a child... everything is a masterpiece.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

I'll love you forever...

Thank you for always being so strong.
Thank you for showing you could also be weak (just a couple of times).
Thank you for letting me hold on to your legs while you tried to do, everything...
Thank you for always being there.
Thank you for letting me go.
Thank you for loving me, always, truly, utterly, completely, unconditionally.
Thank you for laughing, even when I'm not all that funny.
Thank you for being beautiful.
Thank you for making me feel beautiful.
Thank you for loving my babies.
Thank you for teaching me more than you'll ever know.
Thank you for sharing.
Thank you for listening.
Thank you for being my best friend.

I love you more than you could imagine.

Friday, May 2, 2008

Beauty Full.

For me, the most wondrous moments in life tend to occur amidst the most "normal" situations... finding beauty in the every day.  I thought about this during breakfast one day this week, over some cinnamon raisin toast with the children, when, out of nowhere, Julian made Nora laugh one of her belly laughs, and then I began to laugh out loud, even though I had no idea what we were actually laughing about.  Then there is this moment captured on film above.  Nanny sent me this photo from last Sunday of Julian and Nora, and it simply took my breath away.  The two little people I had a part in creating, holding hands, Julian looking back at Nora, just making sure she is okay.

Sheye summed it up perfectly:  Beauty Full.
