I have always drawn. For as long as I can remember. With some breaks along the way. My brother, sister and I all grew up loving to sketch and paint. Our family never quite understood where this 'artistic flair' came from - neither mama or papa like to draw. My brother enjoys drawing caricatures, sista was always drawing, colouring, painting, creating. For myself, I did the majority of my art during school, doodling or sketching when I should have been paying attention.
I tend to sketch the same things over and over:
swirly shapes
oscar & clinka
I started sketching oscar & clinka in university - during class, of course. They ended up being a recurring addition to the comic section in The Brock Press. Some of the scenarios I created for them were autobiographical, and others were just made up gross or strange things I thought about. It always felt safer to share gross and strange things through oscar & clinka than in 'real life'. Sure, the comic was 'by Jules' and it was distributed to the ENTIRE university... but, besides my tiny group of friends, no one really knew who Jules was...
I remember a particularly inappropriate submission - like, I think I blushed when I handed it in - and two weeks later someone wrote a Letter to the Editor saying: "I don't know who this Jules guy is, but he really needs to get some professional help..." I remember finding it funny not only that my sketch upset someone so much they felt compelled to write a letter to the editor, but even more amusing was they assumed such grotesque inappropriateness could have only come from A GUY. After that, all bets were off - I was officially inspired with the goal of being as inappropriate as possible. I was also sure to sign my followup submission: 'by a Girl named Jules'.
I know I am not alone in this, but the funny thing about me and art is - I only want to do it when I am inspired to do it. Once oscar & clinka developed a following (likely under five people) I hated the pressure of 'having' to come up with creative ideas and draw them. Hence, the vast majority of submissions were drawn while I was in class, on whatever scrap piece of paper I could find, usually on the same day it was due to be handed in.
Once I became an 'adult' and a 'corporate professional' I would still draw on occasion. My subject matter, however, became much more appropriate and palatable. I gravitated towards sweet, lovely little sketches of: flower, butterfly, tree, house, sun. I would sometimes sketch in my notebook during long meetings, or training sessions. A few coworkers noticed my art, some of them truly appreciated my lovely little sketches, and for them - I would draw on my very best paper, and frame them as gifts. One or two of my pieces even became tattoos on other people's bodies (which I love...). oscar & clinka spent a long time on hiatus, safely tucked away in a binder placed on a high shelf in the basement.
A few months ago, a friend asked to see the original oscar & clinka pieces that were in The Brock Press. I pulled the old binder for her, and watched her pour over each piece, laughing along the way. She loved the realness and edge to them and encouraged me to start drawing them again. A few days later I pulled out my sketchbook - and sadly realized that the last time I had drawn in it was in 2014 - the year we lost Shari. I took a deep breath, and clinka poured out of my brain and through my hand... oscar quickly followed. It felt good to draw them, and breathe new life into them again. They now live on their own Instagram account: oscar & clinka. I only draw them when I feel inspired to do so. I am not sure how inappropriate they will get - but a part of me hopes I get a Letter to the Editor.