I woke up this morning to a crashing sound coming from Julian's room. Julian is almost three years old. The crashing I heard was that of books hitting the floor. He wasn't destroying his room. He was becoming a robot. He has a few box-set books, and he has discovered that the boxes make wonderful robot body parts. One on each foot, and one on each hand are ideal. Of course, he can't carefully remove each book from it's box, he must dump the entire box upside-down from standing - thus maximizing the sound of the books hitting the hard floor at 6am. Unfortunately he only has two box sets in his room right now, so he had to improvise... one box hand, one box foot. Our half-robot, half-boy marched into our bedroom to greet us, in his best robot voice: "I am a Robot... my name is Durse". Good Morning.
I love Durse! xxx
So excited for this blog! I still think you should be writing a book but I will settle for a blog. Love Kee xoxox
Get the kid some more box sets, but also make sure he wears a helmet and knee pads!!
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