I hate to go on and on about how my life has changed since returning to the working world. But it really has... and I don't have much else to write about since work has been occupying the majority of my time. During my last year off with my babies I was on a 2 hour feeding schedule. Much like a newborn.
8am Breakfast
10am Snack
12pm Lunch
3pm Snack
5pm Dinner
8pm Snack
I realized today that every day this week I have eaten ONE thing between the hours of 8am and 6pm... One packet of instant oatmeal. One. It has been my lunch. Not breakfast - there has been no time for breakfast. Yesterday I decided to treat myself to a box of Organics Instant Oatmeal to keep at my desk - since this is my solitary source of nutrients, it may as well be organic, right? I even purchased the variety pack, so every day it will kind of be like eating something different. Lunch time rolled around. I was weak. I was dizzy. I reached into the box of oatmeal packets, purposely not looking at which variety I pulled out - as I wanted to be surprised. I poured the contents into a bowl. I added hot water. I waited 5 minutes. I closed my eyes and slowly brought the spoon to my mouth. The flavour I had selected? Plain.
sounds yummy...barf! you really should try to pack a nutrious lunch each night...you know in youor free time after the kids go to bed!
gott in himmel!! vere iss itt zat you work? ze concentration camp? zis iss ridiculousss. you vill vaste avay to ein shadow.
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