Friday, June 5, 2009

Crazy River.

You may have picked up on this by now, but Julian is a very sensitive soul.  He also has a keen musical ear.  He memorizes songs almost instantly, and will let you know immediately whether he is fond of a tune or not.  His taste in music is pretty fantastic for a 4 year old, ranging from jazz to rock and a few old english tunes mixed in (there is nothing creepier than hearing your child sing "My Grandfather's Clock"... trust me).  The Beatles are his favourite (which makes daddy smile).  

He has pretty cheesy taste in radio stations, however.  His station of choice is a local "easy rock" number.  He loves it.  He can often be heard in his room belting out a little Mariah Carey or Whitney Houston... Unfortunately the station also has Robbie Robertson's:  "Somewhere Down the Crazy River" on rotation.  We discovered this at 10pm one night, when we found him screaming in his room, hands over his ears, saying:  "SCARY VOICES!".  This song totally, completely and utterly freaks him out.

Believe it or not, Andrew's best friend is the music director at said radio station, so we were able to pull some strings and have it removed from the 8pm to 10pm time slot.  This has solved a lot of bed time stress in our house.  Unfortunately every once in a while it sneaks its way on the air at 8:30pm... wreaking havoc on our nightly routine.

Would it be wrong to start using it as a "time out theme tune"?...



Clippy Mat said...

julian, he's so sensitive and he has such a musical gift. that RR song scared me too!
but I love it when he sings,
'when the old man DIED!"
hugs :-))

Sara said...

What a cute little story! Don't think I'v heard that song - will have to have a listen now.

Love the both of them and the both of you.


Bumpkin Hill said...

Hi there, I just came across your blog - what sweet characters your kids are :) Catherine x

Anonymous said...

haha he's so funny, i just love his musical interests. cant wait to see them both and give them big hugs. xxx jenn