Friday, January 14, 2011


Nora is only allowed to bring "soft" toys to daycare. Teddy bears, stuffed kitties, her favourite stuffy, a little brown dog named "Chocolate". She knows the rules, but, of course, like every 4yr old girl - she likes to try to challenge them.

A few days ago we were getting ready to leave and she was holding a new Barbie from Christmas when we had the most interesting conversation:

Nora: "Mommy, we can't bring Barbie to school."
Me: "Right, Nora - because she isn't soft."
Nora: "Yes, Mommy... because she is too tight."




Clippy Mat said...

Yeah, I heard Ken says that same thing.

Sara said...

bahahhahaha. What an innocent little girl you have!
Aunty Clippy; that's wrong!

Anonymous said...

Barbie needs to loosen up. That's what Nora meant! She's always so stiff and always looks the same. She's stressed! And prob needs a big Mac too x Jenny

Anonymous said...

Well, isn't she?

p.s. I love your blog. It always makes me smile :)