Sunday, December 23, 2007

It's oh so quiet...

On a lazy summer morning Andrew and I woke up feeling very well-rested.  Julian and Nora were sleeping a little later than usual.  We lazed about for a while, when I began to realize that Julian really must be awake by now.  But it was oh, so quiet.  I have learned during my three years of motherhood that "quiet" actually isn't a good thing.  It usually means someone is doing something they really shouldn't be doing.  Suddenly I remembered that the night before Julian's bottom was a bit sore, so I had used some trusty diaper cream on him.  I then remembered that I forgot to take it out of his room.  With this realization I ran to his room as quickly as I could.  Judging by the sight of him, I was about 20 minutes too late.



Anonymous said...

He looks like he knows that he did something wrong! Too funny!

Anonymous said...

Innocence personified.... in white face! Too cute. :-))

Trudi said...

Oh LOL that is cute, now I remember my Miss Emily doing something similar at that age. It involved her nappy but no nappy cream - BLERK....