Monday, December 10, 2007

Well, I think it's cool.

The other day I was emptying a box of baby wipes into the linen closet, when Julian picked up the empty box, put it on his head and marched around saying (once again):  "I am a Robot, my name is Durse.".  Of course he couldn't see where he was going, and was doing this march along the upstairs hallway - making an already paranoid mother very nervous.  I was feeling creative so we brought the box downstairs where I spent an hour turning it into the best robot-head EVER!  I covered it in paper, cut out a spot to see out of, drew his favourite things on it (including a butterfly, ladybug, tree, flower, and a fish) and wrote DURSE on the forehead.  

It has been sitting, untouched on the kitchen table ever since.  At least it has given Nora something to look at while she eats her toast.



Anonymous said...

I love it! If you put one on Etsy, I would buy one for sure! I would wear it as a helmet when I drive.

Anonymous said...

ah yes, it vould be my opinion zat zis child is a gifted spirit and a free thinker who desires to take control of his own thought processes and does not vant to hef to think 'inside' ze box (of diaper wipes)

Anonymous said...

unt on furzzer examination it vud seem zat the little fraulein eating ze toast is perhaps also contemplating whezzer or not her future experiences vill be dictated by pedagogy or andragogy. hmmm....

Anonymous said...

Mother of the Year!